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Lodi Community Art Center

Now Accepted



3rd Saturday
Paintout Group






More 2006









About the Artist



Franklin Blvd.
Plein Air




January-April 2023

"The Wall", a rendition of the wall that heals traveling the nation. I visited the memorial to the the military people who lost heir lives in Viet Nam on March 31, 2023.
1 of 3 I painted. 22x15" watercolor.

"Perkins", #3738, 22x15" watercolor won Dorothy Steed Award and Judges Award in the 2023 WASH, or Watercolor Artists of Sacramento Horizons Member Show spring 2023. Accepted California State Fair Fine Arts Exhibit July 2023.

"Morrison Creek", on a winter day. Sketched this March in a storm and painted indoors. This is Sacramento this month. Watercolor #3736, 22x15". To be entered to WASH Inc. Members Show, opening March 28. Come see it!

"Trees, Smoke and the Mount", 22x15" watercolor #3728. Accepted 61st Annual Lodi Community Art Center Spring Art Show that was at Durst Winery March 31-April 2, 2023. Now it is home, do you want me to bring it to you!.

On Sunday March 5 at Elks Lodge #6 on 6446 Riverside Blvd., 5 Sacramento. Artists painted the blossoms to enhance the visitors experience at the Show! Shown: A 22"x15" watercolor painted at a previous Show.

"Wreck", 22x15", #3707, a watercolor depicting a homeless camp on South Watt Ave. This art was accpted to Magnum Opus, a national juried art show at Sacramento Fine Arts Center 2023 and to the California State Fair Fine Arts Exhibit 2023 with Merit Award. It was shown in the Mother Lode Show at the MACC in 2023. Available.

"Miller Park" on the Sacramento River. A few tents from the First Step Communities homeless community crept into my picure on this painting at Miller Park
February 10: The city of Sacramento’s only sanctioned camping site for the homeless is closed and may not reopen. The city opened the site, a so-called “safe ground,” about a year ago. It included rows of identical tents for roughly 80 unhoused people to live, with bathrooms, showers, fencing, and drinking water, as well as hard to come by mental health, medical and rehousing services

22x15". Watercolor #3705.

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